GUI Improvement: A second skill sorting button and more sorting options.
With the addtion of more and more PvE skill I found that checking the non-PvE skill lists and looking for a certain skills is getting more and more annoying.
So I suggest to add a second sorting button, to refine the skill sorting, and some new options.
The second sorting button would be added between the current two, and maybe have a bit darker color, be slightly smaller, have a colored border or just being exactly the same..
The new options would be those four:
*PvP/PvE: Self explanatory.
*Target distance: Touch, self, half casting, casting, entire party, ...
*Effect range: Touch, Self, adjacent, nearby, in the area, within earshot, party, spirit, radar, entire area...
Why the alphabetical? Simply to disable the second sorting button if you do not want to use it. By selecting 'alphabetical' in the second button, the skill list will look exactly like now.
The first button would sort skills under the tags and the [+] symbol. Exactly like right now.
The second won't. It would just affect the order, without adding tags.
So it won't look like a tree. That would be annoying and would increase the height of the lists.
Whit this, you'll be able to, for example:
* Sort by elite/non elite, and then by profession, to check all the elites you are missing in Priests of Balthazar.
* Sort by PvE/PvP, and then by Profession, to check if you have all the non-PvE skills of that profession.
* Sort by range, then by Attribute, to seek all the touches or all the 'half casting range' skills of that attribute.
* Sort by Cost, then by Attribute, to seek all the 5Energy skills of that attribute.
* Sort by Distance, then by range, to seek all the self casted skills that affect adjacent creatures.
* Sort by Type, then by attribute, to seek all the melee Strength bases attacks, or all the Expertise stances, or all the Mysticism Enchantments
And much more.
*Sort by casting time, them by recharge, to seek the fastest skills.
Since it would be just a completely client-side option this will add absolutely no lag.
Just a bit of trouble for the UI guys.
I can't imagine any downside for this, since you will be able to keep the current sorting, and it only adds good things, so...
What do you think? I'm pretty sure it woill be possible and will help a lot.